Bite-size daily learning!
"Project 613" is an opportunity to familiarize yourself with all 613 commandments of the Torah in under a year! Unite with thousands of Jews around the world who learn Maimonides Sefer Hamitzvot daily, completing it each year.
Each day Rabbi Yaakov will record a short video clip between 3-5 minutes long and share it with you by text or email.
To receive the daily video, register below.
Click on any episode to watch
#1. Don’t Believe in G-d, Know Him! #2. How to Love and Fear G-d? When we must
give up our life for our faith?
#3. Martyrdom, Prophecy, and More! #4. Emulating the ways of Hashem, Love your
fellow as yourself
#5. Bring up the issues, but don’t embarrass your friend! #6. No Gossip, No Revenge, and No Grudge!
#7. Study Torah Every day! #8. Respecting the Elderly and the Sages
#9. Distancing ourselves from Idolatry #10. The Idolatrous Inciter and Prophet
#11. Forbidden Idolatrous practices #12. Sidelocks, Beards, Tattoos, and More
#13. How to do Teshuva? #14. The Right thing for the Wrong reason
#15. The Shema #16. The Amida: What and How?
#17. The Correct way to Pray #18. Communal Prayer and Torah Reading