Shavuos is the most important moment in our nation's history. It is the day G‑d gave the Torah to the Jewish people and we became a nation.
The Torah was given in a dessert on Mt. Sinai, yet Hashem created a great miracle and temporarily turned that area into fertile land with an abundance of greenery. In commemoration of this miracle, it became the custom to celebrate the holiday of Shavuot with greenery and flowers.
With that in mind, we invite you to join us for a great night out with friends, food and crafts as we etch a beautiful design into our own glass vases! All materials will be provided and no prior experience or artistic talent is required.
Together we will learn about the upcoming holiday of Shavuot- what it is, what it means, and what we celebrate.
The event will take place outdoors under a lighted tent.
Please let us know that you are joining us by filling out the form below.